typedstream StreamTable HashTable Object [20c] typedstream [1979c] typedstream HashTable Object FirstResponder HeaderClass %%%%i@@ firstnib checkSpelling: alignSelCenter: unscript: pasteFont: runPageLayout: superscript: copyRuler: copyFont: selectAll: pasteRuler: toggleRuler: showGuessPanel: alignSelLeft: paste: performClose: arrangeInFront: subscript: copy: alignSelRight: delete: orderFrontColorPanel: underline: performMiniaturize: MailManager Application genericobject_nib browser debugging addressHelpPanel login checkInterval automaticRead automaticZoom prefPersonalName mailboxSelection loginResponder automaticOpen mailboxMailbox mailboxHost opener preferencesHelp password prefDomainName sendHelpPanel infoPanel userName preferencesPanel filePanel helpPanel composeCcMe noLineBreaking fileLocal telemetryView mailboxes prefMTPServer mboxHelpPanel prefUserName prefRepository automaticLogin closeFinalKill mailboxResponder loginBox readHelpPanel selectHelpPanel printer literalDisplay fileDestination selectLoad: info: addressBook: help: closeFinalKill: helpPreferences: mailboxCancel: noLineBreaking: open: sendHelp: debug: mboxHelp: selectHelp: composeCcMe: fileCancel: automaticLogin: readHelp: userName: loginOK: literalDisplay: addressHelp: savePreferences: personalName: selectOK: automaticRead: checkInterval: preferences: mailboxOK: fileOK: automaticZoom: terminate: domainName: define: automaticOpen: compose: mtpServer: composeReply: repository: [4937c] typedstream HashTable Object NibData @@@@s Storage {*@@} [3{*@@}] File's Owner CustomObject MailManager HelpPanel WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Message Composition Help Panel Responder ScrollView ClipView ciifffcfffs [4063c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \pard\tx960\tx1920\tx2880\tx3840\tx4800\tx5760\tx6720\tx7680\tx8640\tx9600\f0\b0\i0\ul0\fs24 This is the help panel from MailManager's message composition window.\ At the top of the window are various fields representing various components of the "envelope" of the message. Some of these fields are filled in by default. You may edit any of these fields. After editing any of these fields you \i must \i0 use the RETURN or TAB key in order for the changes to be accepted.\ If the field is an "address" then the contents are parsed and the envelope component and displayed text the field are set to the results of that parse. For example, if you enter "foo" followed by a return the result will be "foo@bar", where "bar" is the value of the default Domain Name field in the Preferences.\ The fields listed as being an "address" can be a list of addresses delimited by commas. An address is in one of the following forms:\ \i personal-name \i0 <@ \i route-list \i0 : \i mailbox \i0 @ \i host \i0 >\ \i personal-name \i0 < \i mailbox \i0 @ \i host \i0 >\ \i personal-name \i0 < \i mailbox \i0 >\ \i mailbox \i0 @ \i host\ mailbox\ \i0 The first form is very uncommon and is not recommended for use by anyone but expert users. The selection of the other formats depends upon user choice. If the @ \i host \i0 part is not specified, the default Domain Name field in the Preferences is used as a default.\ \b . From \b0 is the address this message is "from". Normally it is the same as the sender of this message (your account), but you can edit it to be some other address (e.g. if you are temporarily using a different account or NeXT, or if you want to change the host name in the From field). A "Sender" field will identify the actual sender of the message in all cases. In general, changing this field is for experienced users only.\ \b . ReplyTo \b0 is the address where replies should be sent. Normally this will be the same as \b From \b0 .\ \b . To \b0 is the primary recipient address for this message.\ \b . cc \b0 is the secondary (carbon-copy) recipient address for this message.\ \b . bcc \b0 is the invisible (blind carbon-copy) recipient address for this message. The other recipients will not be given any indication of the presence of this recipient.\ \b . Subject \b0 is a one-line subject for this message. It is strongly encouraged that all messages have a subject.\ \b \b0 Below these fields is a scrollable view in which you may edit the actual text of the message.\ The command buttons are as follows:\ \b . Send \b0 causes the message to be delivered by opening a Mail Transfer Protocol connection an MTP server and depositing the message with that server. If this operation succeeds, the message composition window will be closed; otherwise an attention panel will pop up explaining the error.\ \b . Help \b0 opens this panel.\ \b . Insert File \b0 prompts for a file to be inserted into the text of the message at the point where the cursor is.\ \b . Attach File \b0 prompts for a file to attach to this message. An attached file is one which the recipient will receive as a file instead of being displayed as part of the message, provided the recipient's mail reading application supports attachments. Binary files may be attached. Attached files are compressed and encoded, and placed in the message body in Internet stanford form.\ \b . Voice Mail \b0 will record audio from the microphone and incorporate it in the message.\ \b . Unattach \b0 will remove an attachment. Select the attachment(s) you want to remove in the attachment browser first.\ \b . Reformat \b0 replaces any undelimited newlines in the selected text with suitable whitespace. This is useful when inserting a file that has newlines in it.\ The \b Debug \b0 switch, if set, will cause the MTP negotiations to be displayed in the MailManager Telemetry Window.\ NXCursor NXImage NXibeam Scroller Control _doScroller: @@@ffs HelpText {i*@@@} [1{i*@@@}] sendHelpPanel